新型 COVID-19 亲和填料,一步纯化 SARS COV-2 刺突蛋白

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新型 COVID-19 亲和填料,一步纯化 SARS COV-2 刺突蛋白

The new NGL COVID-19 Spike Protein Affinity Resin from Repligen binds the SARS CoV-2 Spike Protein receptor binding domain (RBD) to yield exceptional purity in a single chromatography step. Developed in partnership with Navigo Proteins and Purolite Life Sciences , the product meets all expected requirements of a high-performance resin, including very high selectivity, high dynamic binding capacities and caustic stability over multi-cycle use. Design features of the resin and example performance data will be discussed.

calendar icon Apr 02