
Modular, plug-and-play hardware with diaphragm pump 

The KrosFlo® FS Systems achieve an unparalleled combination of configurability and automation and compliance for flat sheet TFF processes.  All components, either directly or indirectly, connect to the main KrosFlo® FS diaphragm pump, which then communicates with the KF Comm 2 software for control and monitoring.

  • 可针对简单的应用,如浓缩(C)或洗滤(D),配置最低数量的部件​
  • 针对分离(F)和多步工艺(如CDC/D/C),增加即插即用的额外部件​

Click on the tabs below to explore different combinations of concentration and diafiltration configurations using the KrosFlo® FS TFF System.

C = Concentration D = Diafiltration F = Feed

Add a scale and auxiliary pump to access diafiltration applications

C = Concentration D = Diafiltration F = Feed

Build process understanding with increased sensors

C = Concentration D = Diafiltration F = Feed


ProConnex® Flow Paths for FS Systems

Save time, streamline operations and hit the ground running​

These ready-to-go flow paths create time and quality gains for every run. Enjoy the affordable convenience of off-the-shelf flow paths designed by the engineers who created the system you adore. These are created specifically to run TangenX® flat sheet cassettes on the KrosFlo® FS systems. Filter sold separately.

ProConnex® Filter Assemblies



基于先进微处理器的控制器整合至KrosFlo® FS系统主泵,可实现硬件部件即插即用。KF Comm 2软件和硬件部件之间建立双向通讯,包括自动背压控制阀、天平、辅泵和Konduit设备。

KrosFlo® KR2i Virtual Demo Series

In this 6-part series, Julie Grace, and Carl Breuning, provide viewers with a virtual training on the KrosFlo® KR2i TFF system. This training series will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to system components
  • Installation of flow-path and filter
  • KF Comm2 software overview
  • Recipe creation
  • Running a CFC/D/C experiment
  • Recovery of product


Menu-driven Software for Optimized TFF

KF Comm 2 Software, backward compatible with legacy KrosFlo® KR2i and KrosFlo® KMPi Systems, is conveniently installed on any computer using the Windows Operating System. The software is compatible with Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox and Microsoft Explorer browsers and is always current with automatic software and firmware updates. 

  • 用于KrosFlo® TFF 系统的专利软件
  • 提供21CFR Part 11合规版本,以验证用于GMP工艺
  • 直观的工作流,13种操作模式

KF Comm 2 软件

KrosFlo KR2i automatic back pressure valve (ABV) in open and closed position.



  • 按用户设置的设定点,自动调整管夹距离
  • 在整个工艺运行过程中,维持均一的TMP,降低膜污染
  • 在微滤应用中,控制滤液压力和流速
  • 使用兼容管号:13、 14、 16、 25、 HP15、 17、 HP24、 18、 HP35、 36 和 HP36
  • 可用于自动调节进样、回流、滤液或跨膜压力 

Monitor and evaluate conductivity, UV and temperature 

Konduit is an add-on module ready to use with the KrosFlo® KR2i and KMPi TFF Systems, with the ability to scale from 2mL to 500L process volumes.

电导率范围 0.1 - 100 mS/cm
压力范围 可达 75 psi (5 bar)
尺寸(L x W x H): 7¾" x 4¾" x 4½"
重量 1.6 kg


Scale effortlessly from Lab to Pilot Manufacturing

Transition seamlessly from small scale to larger scale processes. The KrosFlo® FS-15 handles volumes as small as 140 mL to 15 L. The KrosFlo® FS-500 is capable of larger volumes from 1.25 L to 500 L. These two KrosFlo® FS TFF Systems share common hardware architecture, software and pump technology.

  • 在同一平台内进行规模放大和规模缩小
  • 针对不同应用进行工艺序列配置(C、D和CFC/D/C)
  • Operate 21 CFR Part 11 compliant software built on secure Microsoft® SQL Server ​

KrosFlo® FS TFF Systems

The fully integrated KrosFlo® FS TFF System consists of hardware, software and flow path components. Key hardware components include: a diaphragm pump, auxiliary pumps and an automatic back pressure valve.

The KF Comm 2 software features a multi-language interface for complete monitoring and control and an optional 21 CFR Part 11 environment. Add tubing and sanitize/sterilize your own flow path around a Spectrum® hollow fiber filter or build a closed and gamma-irradiated ProConnex® Flow Path from over 250 components.

Click on the tabs below to explore features of the different systems.

140 mL - 15 L volume
0.1 - 0.3 m2 filtration area

KrosFlo® FS-15 compiles all the key features required for true walk-away automation and modernization of flat sheet processes from 140 mL up to 15 L, supporting membrane surface area from 0.1 - 0.3 m2.  KrosFlo® FS-15 utilizes a Quattroflow™ 150 SU diaphragm pump delivering flow rates up to 3.0 liters per minute (LPM) and allowing for high pressure applications up to 4 bar.

Click on the links to explore different features. 


1.25 L - 500 L volume
0.5 - 1.5 m2 filtration area

KrosFlo® FS-500 enables true walk-away automation and modernization of flat sheet processes from 1.25 L up to 500 L, supporting membrane surface area from 0.5 -1.5 m2. KrosFlo® FS-500 centers around a Quattroflow™ QF1200 SU diaphragm pump which delivers flow rates up to 18 LPM and allows for high pressure applications up to 4 bar. The KrosFlo® FS-500 design also utilizes a base plate for optimum flow path length and component geometry, as well as a permeate side flow meter.

Click on the links to explore different features.

R 因子视频博客


  • 用于UF/DF的终点电导控制
  • 用于从药物递送颗粒中洗滤去除游离药物的终点UV控制
  • 用于特定分子浓缩时的终点UV控制
  • 用于膜穿透的UV警报
  • 提供A260 和 A280 光源

*UV 部件单独销售

KrosFlo® KR1 辅助泵



KrosFlo® KR Jr Auxiliary Pump







  • 检测并显示4个压力值:进样压力、回流压力、滤液压力和跨膜压(TMP)
  • 用户定义的压力警报和停机设定点
  • 提供多种不同接头类型 (鲁尔和TC) 及结构材料选择 (PS、PC)


Manufacturing Centers of Excellence

Repligen在ISO 9001质量管理体系下开发和生产用于生物制药行业的产品。我们专注于及时交付高质量、一致且稳健的产品,以确保我们客户的业务连续性。

Repligen manufacturing sites are located in Massachusetts, California, and New Jersey in the United States and in Sweden, France, The Netherlands,  Germany and Estonia.


Expert Project Management


Repligen DNA 为您提供支持。我们的目标是提供卓越的客户体验,并为所有 Repligen 产品和服务高效成功的采用及实施提供支持。

  • Field Application Support
  • 客户服务
  • 现场服务工程师




KrosFlo® FS-15

KrosFlo® FS-500

典型处理体积 最高 15 L+ 最高 500 L+
最高过滤器面积 最高 0.3 m2 最高 1.5 m2
最高压力 最高 60 psi/4 bar
流速 最高 3 LPM 最高 18 LPM
膜包夹具 TangenX® SIUS® PD 夹具 TangenX® SIUS® 夹具
容器 1L PP、带端口平底容器 20L PP、带端口平底容器
搅拌 安装在天平上的搅拌器
TMP控制 非侵入式/无产物接触
辅泵 KrosFlo® KRJr KR1
流路 ProConnex® 流路 – 一次性使用高压流路,含泵头

KF Comm 2,可选配21CFR part 11软件包