最后一项是切向流过滤 (TFF) 系统,它可在 UF/DF 操作期间监测浓度。您再也不用完全依赖质谱输入和离线固定光程紫外可见分光光度计。现在,您可以实时测量真正重要参数:浓度。
With the power of the KrosFlo® KR2i Automated TFF System and the insights from the CTechTM FlowVPX® System, you can take control of your process and make the first time the right time.
- Strengthen your process control with high accuracy and reproducible results.
- Increase process efficiency by reducing cycling time and increasing yield throughput.
- Reduce process risk by ensuring accurate concentration throughout the TFF process.
C Technologies, Inc., a Repligen company, is offering a one-time promotion of 20% off the list price of its CTech™ FlowVPX® in-line Slope Spectroscopy® System (SYS-VPX-FLOW). To be eligible for this promotion, customer must have previously purchased a KrosFlo® KR2i TFF System (SYR2-U50, SV-IT-KR2-1) into which the FlowVPX System can be integrated. Only one FlowVPX System at the promotional price per customer. Promotion is valid for qualifying orders received no later than November 15, 2023. Repligen’s standard terms and conditions of sale will apply. Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions. Offer void where prohibited, licensed, or restricted by federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulation or agency/institutional policy. Other restrictions may apply.