NGL-Impact® A ELISA Kit Performance Summary


The Repligen NGL-Impact® A ELISA kit (Catalog number 9222-1) is intended for the detection and quantitation of residual NGL-Impact® Protein A.  It was been developed for users who require a highly sensitive assay to measure small amounts of contaminating NGL-Impact® A in antibody products. Testing for NGL-Impact® A contamination occurs in several different phases of development and commercial manufacturing which may include:

  • 在特定条件下,针对填料配基脱落特性的工艺开发 
  • 生产,通常需对纯化工艺中多个不同点采集的洗脱样品进行分析
  • 终产品放行时文件记录工艺污染物水平和批次间的一致性

The following summary report contains performance data collected from the evaluation of the NGL-Impact® A ELISA Kit in the presence of human Immunoglobulin G (hIgG). The data presented here demonstrates the following:

  • Ability to detect NGL-Impact® A  in the presence of up to 0.5 mg/ml hIgG in a PBS-T buffer using Dilute & Go method, or sample up to 10 mg/ml hIgG by Boil & Boost method
  • 回收率(准确性)、分析间和分析内精确性、定量限和检测限 

NGL-Impact® A in the presence of hIgG

The performance of the Repligen NGL-Impact® A ELISA kit was evaluated when detecting NGL-Impact® A in the presence of hIgG compared to a standard containing no hIgG.  NGL-Impact® A spiked samples had a starting hIgG concentration of 0.5 mg/ml when diluted into the assay plate or had a 10 mg/ml hIgG initial concentration when using boiling method.  Each spike sample was prepared in replicates of 3 and ELISA was performed according to the Kit’s standard protocol. 


Standard curve data points were fitted to linear regression line. This equation allowed back-calculation of sample NGL-Impact® A concentrations and calculation of LoQ values.  Percent recovery was calculated as follows:

% Recovery =         Calculated Conc  X100
                                 Theoretical Conc



浓度 (ng/ml) 平均 % CV
1.6 0.8
0.8 5.3
0.4 2.0
0.2 1.3
0.1 5.7
0.05 7.1

表2. 使用Dilute & Go时,含hlgG样品的分析内精确性

浓度 (ng/ml) 计算的
平均 % CV
1.0 1.09 1.0
0.5 0.58 2.6
0.25 0.26 2.4


表3.使用Boil & Boost时,含hlgG样品的分析内精确性

浓度 (ng/ml) 计算的
平均 % CV
1.0 1.10 3.4
0.5 0.50 3.5
0.25 0.24 1.6


Inter-Assay Percision


浓度 (ng/ml) 平均 % CV
1.6 1.0
0.8 3.1
0.4 3.2
0.2 2.6
0.1 7.2
0.05 21.1*


表5. 使用Dilute & Go时,含hlgG样品的分析间精确性

浓度 (ng/ml) 计算的
平均 % CV
1.0 1.09 6.2
0.5 0.58 2.4
0.25 0.26 5.5


表6. 使用Boil & Boost时,含hlgG样品的分析间精确性

浓度 (ng/ml) 计算的
平均 % CV
1.0 1.10 3.7
0.5 0.50 7.5
0.25 0.24 4.7




浓度 (ng/ml) 平均 % 误差 平均%回收率
1.6 -2.5 97.5
0.8 6.3 106.3
0.4 14.2 114.2
0.2 8.6 108.6
0.1 -10.6 89.4
0.05 -51.6* 48.4*




表9. Boil & Boost对于含hlgG样品的准确度

浓度 (ng/ml) 平均 % 误差 平均%回收率
1.0 9.8 109.8
0.5 0.1 100.1
0.25 -5.6 94.4

表8. Dilute & Go对于含hlgG样品的准确度

浓度 (ng/ml) 平均 % 误差 平均%回收率
1.0 8.6 108.6
0.5 15.1 115.1
0.25 3.7 103.7


The LoQ determined from the standard curve with no IgG present was calculated to be 0.07 ng/ml.  The LoQ for the NGL-Impact® A spiked samples in the presence of hIgG was 0.87 ppm when using Dilute & Go method and 0.048 ppm for Boil & Boost method. 

检测限 (LoD)

The LoD determined from the standard curve was calculated to be 0.06 ng/ml.  The LoQ for the NGL-Impact® A spiked samples in the presence of hIgG was 0.64 ppm using Dilute & Go and 0.04 ppm for Boil & Boost. 


图1. 在含有IgG的整个检测浓度范围内,使用Dilute & Go和Boil & Boost方法,稀释线性均显示出准确性的高相关性。




高于LoQ的浓度的准确性,以%相对误差计量,标准品为-10.6 - 14.2 ,使用Dilute & Go方法和Boil & Boost方法分析的样品为-5.6 - 15.1。 

The LoQ determined from the standard curve with no IgG present was calculated to be 0.07 ng/ml.  The LoQ for the NGL-Impact® A spiked samples in the presence of hIgG was 0.87 ppm when using Dilute & Go method and 0.048 ppm for Boil & Boost method. 

The LoD determined from the standard curve was calculated to be 0.06 ng/ml.  The LoQ for the NGL-Impact® A spiked samples in the presence of hIgG was 0.64 ppm using Dilute & Go and 0.04 ppm for Boil & Boost. 



精确性 (%CV)

Precision was calculated by determining the standard deviation between NGL-Impact® A  spiked sample data points and dividing by the mean value. According to the ‘Guidance for Industry: Bio-analytical Method Validation’ text, precision should be within 15%.


The intra-assay precision was calculated for each NGL-Impact® A spiked sample concentration by averaging the %CV values across all assays.




The limit of quantitation (LoQ) was defined as 10 times the standard deviation of 0 ng/ml sample.  The standard deviation of the 0 ng/ml OD value was multiplied by 10 then added to base 0 ng/ml OD value.  The LoQ was then generated by entering the summed value into the linear equation.  For each kit the LoQ was reported as ng NGL-Impact® A per ml (ng/ml) buffer, and ng NGL-Impact® A per mg hIgG (ppm) for NGL-Impact® A spiked samples run in presence of hIgG. 

检测限 (LoD)

The limit of detection (LoD) was defined as 3 times the standard deviation of 0 ng/ml Protein A sample.  The standard deviation of the 0 ng/ml OD value was multiplied by 3 then added to base 0 ng/ml OD value.  The LoD was then generated by entering the summed value into the standard curve equation.  For each kit a LoD was reported as ng NGL-Impact® A per ml (ng/ml) buffer and in parts per million (ppm) against IgG concentration.



Example standard curve